The knee and hip are, by far, the commonly replaced or operated joints. In fact, with the latest advancements in the field, the joint replacement surgery gives you the most reliable results. However, with so many patients opting for joint replacement, the question “how long it will last” is a common for people to ask.
It is, without a doubt a fair question. We say this because discomfort, longer recovery time, risk of surgery failure, and most importantly the need to re-operate the joint are the last things you want to experience post surgery.
Let’s delve into the discussion to find the answer.

Does Hip and Knee Replacement Last More than 25 Years?
Two analyses reported by the medical journal Lancet explained the longetivity and efficacy of replaced knees and hip. The analysis included more than 300,000 knee replacement surgeries and over 200,000 hip replacement surgeries. Fortunately, the results were quite encouraging.
Nearly 60 percent of hip replacement surgeries lasted 25 years
70 percent lasted more than 20 years, and over 90 percent lasted approximately 15 years
82 percent knee replacement surgeries lasted longer lasted 25 years, while 90 percent lasted more than 20 years, and 94 percent lasted 16 years.
The estimates are higher as compared to previous analyses. The results reflect a drastic improvement in the domain of surgeries including materials, medical care, surgery timing, techniques, and aggressive physical therapies and mobilization that begin after surgery.
It is worth mentioning that the statistics reflect recoveries of some real life patients that include several medical centers with patients who had their hips or knees replaced. The study suggested that there is a greater chance of knee and hip replacement therapy to last longer if there is no wear and tear or infection in the tissue.
Finding the Right Fit
Whether you’re a candidate for a total or partial joint replacement surgery, you may have various options for artificial joints. However, the experience of each person is different.
The most important thing in the surgical procedure is to link the patient’s anatomy, condition, and implant. It is also essential to keep in mind that not every implant is the right option for every candidate or disease at any stage.
Dr. Hill, in this regard, considers looking at the joint replacement need of patient holistically crucial. He assesses various individual risk factors and finds ways to minimize them. He further creates a customized plan for surgery to put patients in the best position for an effective and long-lasting replacement surgery.
Summing Up
Whether knee or hip, a joint replacement surgery is the most prominent and life changing advances in medical science. In fact, the sugary can mean the difference between normal mobility and disability from arthritis. Thus, knee or hip, a joint replacement may last more than 25 years if there is no infection or bone tissue wear and tear. You can contact Dr. Hill’s orthopedic clinic to find more about joint replacement surgery!
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